Etienne Blom
Etienne Blom is called in the office of a Prophet and is internationally ordained as a pastor. He flows in all the areas of the five-fold ministry and specializes in the prophetic.
Etienne sees and hears clearly in the spiritual realm and has regular heavenly encounters. God uses him powerfully in deliverance, in healing, and to bring life-changing prophecies to groups and individuals all over the world.
He is the director and senior pastor of Kingdom Fire Ministries in Stellenbosch, South Africa, an apostolic centre, seated in love, that equips the body in Sonship to influence all nations and dimensions to host and manifest the Presence of God.
Etienne Blom is called in the office of a Prophet and is internationally ordained as a pastor. He flows in all the areas of the five-fold ministry and specializes in the prophetic.
Etienne sees and hears clearly in the spiritual realm and has regular heavenly encounters. God uses him powerfully in deliverance, in healing, and to bring life-changing prophecies to groups and individuals all over the world.
He is the director and senior pastor of Kingdom Fire Ministries in Stellenbosch, South Africa, an apostolic centre, seated in love, that equips the body in Sonship to influence all nations and dimensions to host and manifest the Presence of God.
Freedom Ministries was founded in 1981 by David Hogan. Starting off with nothing but a word from God and a vision of the area
he began preaching from village to village. The work began in Central Mexico. From this beginning until now there have been over
six hundred churches pioneered and countless villages have been brought the Gospel. The mountainous region where many
of the churches exist is a harsh area with few roads and many villages only recently having electric power.
The primary focus of this ministry is to go into villages and regions where there is no established Work of the Gospel.
There to seek souls, healings and deliverances for the kingdom of God.
God has backed this ministry with signs following.
There has been miraculous healings of every nature. There are testimonies of every body part having been healed or created
after fasting, prayer and the laying on of hands. There have been over four hundred people that have been raised from the dead
by the power of God. Of these, on twenty-eight different occasions to date, David Hogan was present.
Johnny Taylor passionately desires that the entire body of Christian believers stand up, be activated,
and move out in their giftings and callings. Johnny and his wife, Leslie, travel together to churches and conferences,
speaking and ministering this essential message and the power of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Johnny is the author of several books including: Acts 29: The Church Has Left the Building…, Spirit of the Prophetic,
Nevertheless at Your Rhema, Going Where No Man Has Gone Before: Life in the Spirit, and The Rest of the Story.
Michael Van Vlymen
His ministry is how to “See in the Spirit Realm” and “Translation by Faith.”
Michael Van Vlymen received a series of visitations from the Lord Jesus beginning in 2009 expressly about the subject of spiritual sight. The Lord showed Michael how we see and the reasons some do not see, and taught him in the most simple and straight-forward way how a believer's spiritual eyes can be opened. Michael was led by the Lord through a prophetic word to write what he had been taught so that others could also benefit.
He is a Seer and an author of many books.
His ministry is how to “See in the Spirit Realm” and “Translation by Faith.”
Michael Van Vlymen received a series of visitations from the Lord Jesus beginning in 2009 expressly about the subject of spiritual sight. The Lord showed Michael how we see and the reasons some do not see, and taught him in the most simple and straight-forward way how a believer's spiritual eyes can be opened. Michael was led by the Lord through a prophetic word to write what he had been taught so that others could also benefit.
He is a Seer and an author of many books.
MEN OF DESTINY BREAKFASTThe purpose of this ministry is to build relationships and encourage men to fulfill God’s calling
We meet once a month on Saturday morning @ 9AM. Any questions please contact us |